News Around the Regions

World Ostomy Day – ABO Bolivia 2015


The Bolivian Association of Ostomy conducted its business in the Oncology Hospital of the East on Saturday, October 3rd. During the event the President Teresa Antequera extended her congratulations and urged Ostomates to remain united in their struggle. True to the slogan “Many stories, one voice” four participants shared their life story after their ostomy surgery. There was a sharing of food and refreshments during the celebration for ostomates.

Mariela Acero

OAA President

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Our goal is to provide information, education and health care to all ostomy patients and their families and to pursue excellence in developing and establishing the highest level of ostomy groups all over the world in three existing regions structured under the IOA Coordination Committee.The IOA is divided into three regions that provided help to ostomates. We work hand in hand with specialists, surgeons, wound and ostomy care nurses for the advancement of ostomy care and practice.