Izaac Fernandes, president FEGEST, Member of the State Board of Health – CES / RS and Treasurer of the Latin American Association of Ostomy – ALADO. Izaac wrote to the Secretary of Health of Rio Grande do Sul dos Reis Dr. John Gabbardo requesting a dialogue to address the issue of care and delivery of Ostomates in a timely and comprehensive manner. Porto Alegre – Brazil stands out for having the best care and inclusion in the management of users with disabilities and Ostomates. It should be known that there are more than 9,000 currently registered patients with information on the type of surgery as recipients for this health delivery. President FEGEST and officerss understand the difficult situation facing the state, but emphasizes that the acquisition of bags and other requirements for Ostomy is a matter of human dignity, survival for patients and their families and hope that the situation can be resolved.