The IOA Dr. Harikesh Buch Professional Service Award is an Award that is periodically presented to individuals who have unselfishly volunteered their professional services on an International or Regional level and in so doing have significantly impacted the quality of life of people who have, or will undergo bowel or urinary diversion surgery.
The key words in the above paragraph are: “unselfishly volunteered their professional services”. To be a true volunteer, following in the path similar to the one defined by Dr. Buch, one needs to spend many hours of free-time to work for an idea that benefits mankind … people helping people, without regard to personal or financial gain. One has to find time, energy and medical talent outside of one’s vocation to promote their humanitarian avocation. Not only does a volunteer have to give of their time, but often must utilize their own resources to be able to undertake these services.
This Award acknowledges work that has been accomplished on the Regional scene. To be effective in the provision of these dedicated services one has to communicate and cooperate in a friendly way with people of different languages, life-styles, religions and ways of working. These are demanding qualities given to few people.
One such person that embodies the above traits is MR. PANG CHAK HAU, ET Nurse
• At the Local Level: Mr. Pang, a professional ET Nurse, is dedicated to the care and well being of ostomates. He is an Honorary and Executive member of the Hong Kong Stoma Association since 1994. Possessing a friendly nature and a volunteer spirit, he has been recognized for his willingness to provide his helping hands whenever and wherever assistance is needed.
• His clinical and academic contributions in the field of stoma care and wound management are outstanding in scope with undertakings including Convener of a working group in pressure sore injuries and Coordinator of the Clinical Dash Board in the Yan Chai Hospital; and, service as a Member of the Kowloon West Cluster Nursing Informatics Committee and Co-Chairman of its Wound Management Workgroup.
• Publications: Mr. Pang co-authored “A Study on Supportive Network and Quality of Life of Ostomates in Hong Kong” published by the Hong Kong Stoma Association; and was Editor and co-author of “Standards in Stoma Care” published by the Hong Kong ET Association.
• Professional Association Involvement: His involvement in Professional Associations was many in number. Of note is the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists where he served as a member of its Educational Committee and Convener of its 16th Biennial Congress.
While serving as Chairman of the Hong Kong ET Association, he participated in the development of Pan Pacific guidelines on Pressure Injuries and Venous Leg Ulcer Development. Mr. Pang has been an Executive Member of the Asian Society of Stoma Rehabilitation since its establishment and an active participant in the Asia Pacific ET Nurse Association willingly sharing his nursing experiences.
• International Projects: He was a contributing member of the Hong Kong Stoma Association in the founding of the Asian Ostomy Association, a Region of the International Ostomy Association, and remains an active participant in the Region’s ongoing affairs.
Eager to share his knowledge with others he was part of the cadre that established “ET Nurse Education Programs” in Hong Kong, Peking, Xian and Hunan. This work significantly helped China to develop professional ostomy services.
In closing it must be noted that Pang Chak Hau’s dedicated work to and for ostomates dates back a quarter of a century and fortunately, for ostomates of the world, continues yet today!