Although this was the second WCET Congress that I had attended (KL2018) it was the first one that I had really taken any sort of major role in.
When I was approached to become a member of the IOG review panel I was extremely pleased to be able to have some sort of input and in fact really enjoyed my part in this and hope to be of continuing assistance over the next year or so as the review progresses. I was quite shocked to find that I was in fact the only Kiwi at the event and so jumped at the chance to be the New Zealand flag bearer as that was something that I never thought that I would be in a position to do.
I was somewhat more concerned about being asked to present a paper on Sexuality which to be honest was something that I had never really thought about in the past. However, I did a lot of research and head scratching and came up with a reasonable presentation which appeared to go down quite well, at least no walked out of the room! I also co-chaired that session along with another near the end of the event.
I am really pleased to see that number of not just new products coming on but also the number of new exhibitors. With something like 1000 registered people attending the Congress this was a major event and I feel that it was a very “happy” congress as everything
seemed to flow smoothly and I believe that and excellent job was done by all involved.
Along with Jon Thorkelsson from Iceland (Jon is the EOA President) we manned the small table down the back with the IOA and ASPOA banners and met a large number of people.
Richard B. McNair
International Ostomy Association