Chairperson's Message

March 11, 2015

Barry Maughan

Greeting to Ostomates and website browsers wherever you are.

We are now well into 2015 and I am delighted to report we are still managing to develop or strengthen Ostomy support groups around the world.
Thanks must be given to the Regions and member associations and medical professionals who are supporting these new or existing groups wherever they may be.
Our appliance firm sponsors must be thanked for their ongoing support for local societies, clubs or chapters wherever they may be.
Several nurse training projects have been supported by sponsors firms in the OAA region (Central and South America)
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Past Events

The ASPOA/ASSR joint conference, organised by the Vietnam ostomy Association with the support of the University Medical Centre (UMC), and held in Ho Chi Minh City 31 October and 1 November , was a significant success.

The IOA Professional Services Award was renamed IOA Dr Harikesh Buch Professional Services Award and a presentation plaque was made to Dr Buch at the ASPOA/ASSR Conference.

The first Awardee of this award was Emeritus Professor Katsuhisa Shindo from Japan. Details of these awards are on IOA’s front page.

Coming Events

WORLD OSTOMY DAY October 3rd 2015-03-11
Theme” Many stories, one voice.”

It is to be hoped all member associations will support this day.

Further details revealing the support from Coloplast, ConvaTec and Hollister will be sent to the regions and then to member associations and placed on this website where there is already information.
Shortly updated reports from the regions about this last year will be posted.

My sincere regards,

Barry Maughan


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IOA logofinal

Our goal is to provide information, education and health care to all ostomy patients and their families and to pursue excellence in developing and establishing the highest level of ostomy groups all over the world in three existing regions structured under the IOA Coordination Committee.The IOA is divided into three regions that provided help to ostomates. We work hand in hand with specialists, surgeons, wound and ostomy care nurses for the advancement of ostomy care and practice.


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